Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna...

Amithab, a movie made based on one of my favourite English movies, Closer
(You should watch it... it' s absolutely amazing!) KANK is the life story about
the 4 people and how they meet and develop a relationship. I don't want to
sit and describe what happened in the movie, as this isn't really for the
people who haven't seen it ... it's for those who have seen it! And, mostly,
do disagree with me *cough* Rahul!!! *cough*
To start from the beginning, yeah, what SRK and Rani did was wrong. 101%
wrong. They cheated on their partners, and they used them', not just partners
but partners that loved them more then life! Preety adored SRK and was ready
to leave it all for him... they had a cute little son together too. Abhishake
was crazy about Rani, and gave up a million things just to spend his life
with her... and what they did in return by cheating on them and then lying to
them was absolutely unacceptable, but it happened. then, they told them the
truth, that they were cheating. Preety kicked SRK out, and Abhishake
divorced Rani. WHY is that wrong?? Isn't that a mature decision? Why would
you want to still be married to someone who has cheated on you, AND admits
they weren't in love with you... its not only that they made a mistake, but
also that they are in love with the OTHER person!! So that just makes it
clear that there is no relationship to work on.. In the end, 3 years later
when Abhishake is getting married and he wants Rani there, and Preety has
moved on, and SRK and Rani have been single for 3 entire years because they
didn't tell each other they were kicked out (which I must say is the
stupidest thing in history)!! when they finally meet and SRK proposes Rani...
everybody was like "Ooh, that's not fare! that isn't right, they cant be
with each other, they should be punished for life and never be with one
another!" what the hell? Is that really the best decision? How immature is
it to want to punish a person 'for life' and wish that they never find true
love just because they didn't love u the way u loved them. I think 3 years
of toucher was more then enough. why wish for more? That's just pure evil!
Life is too short to waste it in punishing a person... if you've moved on and
they never loved you, why wish that they never find true love? They have
every damn right to be happy with someone they love. I think the fact that
Rani and SRK were single for 3 years without any contact is enough of a
punishment. 3 years later if they still are madly in love with each other,
why shouldn't they spend their lives together?
One of my friends said, "Abhishake should have taken her back, given it a
few months and worked on things and eventually she would have fell in love
with him.. the fact that she cheated on him can be forgiven if at the end of
the day if they don't get divorced!!" How in the world does that make sense?
1st of all, whatever happened to "if you love someone let them go, if they
come back to you its true love, if they don't then it just isn't meant to
be." how and why would you possibly stay in a marriage where it's a one way
thing? You can't force somebody to love you! waiting for a few months would
be pressuring the other person. your meant to let them chose, give them
their options, if you give them none, they will 'learn' to live with you,
but they wont love you! if your partner tells you they love you everyday and
you never get an I love you back.. I think its about time you realise they
don't feel the same way. so why keep them into a relationship that they
don't want to be a part of? It just isn't right... and 2nd of, how does it
make cheating forgivable only if you don't get divorced? It's not about
staying married!! it never was! A lot of us get SO taken over by the word
marriage, that we forget the main reason, the relationship! its not about
the M word, its about the relationship you have with the one you love! A
marriage where none of you are happy with the other is better off broken... if
your not happy with each other but your still married, it doesn't make
things ok...
I agree, you should work things out, try your best to make your marriage
work. but, ONLY if there's love on both sides, I personally think the ending
would have been much more effective and good if they would have ended it at
all four of them moving on with their lives and not shown that Rani and SRK
end up with each other.. well, that's how Closer ends, it's a very realistic
and effective ending. where as in this the 2 lovers are together in the end,
and, I don't see what's 'wrong' with that. why, because their not 'punished'
anymore? Oh please. What joy do you get by punishing a person for life? You
only get one life, why not live and let live? and it's the fact that these
things DO happen! so its not like KANK is teaching our audience something
that has never happened before, it happens everyday! all around the world
INCLUDING India! So there was nothing shown that's never happened before...
why is it that most of us thought Bollywood was teaching wrong things?? Why
take the movie as a "you should cheat on your partner"moral? Why not see
the moral as, "think before you get married to a person" you should always
get married for the right reason, for love! and do it when your ready,
because other wise you will ruin more then one life... as when one isn't
satisfied in a relationship we go looking outside for the same
satisfactions. so don't make the "life long" commitment unless you are 110%
sure of it... which is exactly what KANK tries to show! it's a shame our
Indian audience only see's the opposite and takes it as a "cheating is ok"
I mean come on, did you all really see Rang De Basanti as a "all our
teenagers should stay back at uni 5 years and then get shot for the county?"
No! you saw the deep meaningful message behind it... to stand up and raise
your voice because the country your in is a beautiful country and it's the
people that corrupt it, and if everybody puts a bit in, we could make
something good out of it.. well, I HOPE that's what you took from the movie.
Same way, I wish people saw the real message behind KANK!
So, before I finish, just to close it all up, what they did was wrong, and
they got punished for it. but 3 years later if 2 people still have love for
each other, I think there's nothing wrong with them spending their lives
together... just because she couldn't be yours, doesn't mean no body else can
have them either.. its as simple as that, because you just cant punish a
person for life. we all deserve to live, nobody said that what happened to
marry or you ruin more lives then one," but it happened, and they all
suffered, all 4 of them... but we all deserve a 2nd chance! so why shouldn't
Rani and SRK get one? How does SRK getting married to a female affect his
relationship with his son? He's divorced from Preety anyway, so wether he is
with Rani or another girl, his son is his son, and always will be! I just
don't think its right to hold on to someone who wants to let go, or punish a
person for life just because they didn't love you the way you loved them...
and if people disagree to it, then I guess that's their way of seeing life...
Thanks for reading!!
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