
You know how every girl has a dream? every girl likes to dress up? we ALL love a nice set of make up for special occasions and we all love expensive shopping and clothes and a good man and... and you know where I'm going with this...
But a few weeks ago an amazzinng thing happend.. I know its a bit 'early' for it but, Om asked me to his Christmas Ball!!! *excited* sure, its COLD in london and all.. But I'm sure Ill fit right in (laughs)...'yeah right'.. even still, how awesome is that... going with him to hsi Xmas Ball! Not as his friend or just a girl or... a date..but as 'his girlfriend'... i thought it was so cute. and I was so excited that I already designed a few dresses ha-ha, only problem being... they all look so good on the tall skinny big boob-ed drawings lol soo I dont know how it would look on me! Plus... London.. Backles... Death.. Hmmm
well here they are! And I think Id want to wear the one he likes the most... or I might make more designs and then make him pic when he is Here(!)
Aww.. i can just picture it.. the ball..going with him.. as his gf.. cute.. Id like to be known as 'Omar's Girlfriend'...Id LOVE to be known as it!!
Lastly, i just want to say thankyou.. to Omar.. you know how they say, there's a woman behind every sucessful man.. well, its been the other way around here, every amazing Idea I have has majority of the times been inspired by him.. this wouldnt have been one if it werent for him.. and then my Vet Course Teacher said, do a Piece and Patch work... and I'm going to use this for it... and I already made something.. I like it so far, also, inspired by him!! Well, it IS for him... but shh... he wont figure that one out till I give it to him in person!
Tina xo
Nice Designs ya....
The Blue one would be my choice... you would look very pretty in blue...
The Black is really good as well... but showing too much i guess...
Green is good as well... but somehow i dont like green a lot... dont know why...
Actually you might look good in any of them :-)
Let me know which u select !!!
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