
I know, alot of you's will tell me after reading this, why so many things about 'Sex' Tina? But really, even if i had just a blog on Sex, why would it be a big deal? Its a way to show your love... isnt it. It aint a crime, its something quiet natural. But, apart from all those facts, what I'm going to be writting today, has nothing to do with how wonderful making love is. Or how wonderful it would be... its about knowing when the right time is. Alot of people learn it the hard way, but sometimes, you might just want to have another thought about wether you really want to learn this the 'hard way'.
I just had a thought the other day.. and i really wanted to write on it. you know when you lose your virginity, it's always said that it should be with someone special.. is that only because they want your 1st time to be wroth while and meaningfull? no.. that couldnt possibly be the only reason.
So many people believe that it isnt necessery it should be with a person your going to spend forever and ever and ever with, but it should be with someone that means alot to you, and even though you might not marry them, you should know them well and you truth them.. and its love. a feeling you have for them.. not just lust. and you know they wont ever bitray you. I know why that is, because once you lose it.. its gone. the 1st time you have sex hence is very important, specially to a girl because we think more about how 'important' it is and not so desperate about having that 'feeling'. Its an experiance you will remember for the rest of your life. a moment, a truth you just have to live with. 20-30 Years from then, when you look back and think about your 1st time, you'll always remember that guy... that one guy you had sex with. Now if he's a jerk, or if you 2 broke up in a bad way, you will be hurt for the rest of your life because you'll regret losing it to him.
As 'advanced' as you may be, your still going to feel that hurt when you think about what a mistake you made because it could have been with someone who wouldnt have hurt you if only you didnt rush it.
And i know, when your going out with a guy, he just seems like the most amazing person in the world.. you know, he's "the" one.. he's different. No matter what your friends and parents and elders say, you just know he isnt like every other guy... right. So you never really know if he will end up hurting you or not.. its a really hard judjement to make. But think about it, Once you've had it, you can have it again and again and again and it really isnt the '1st' time anymore. its not the one your going to remember forever... and do you really want to remember a jerk that hurt you when you think about something in the past that was meant to be so beautiful?
For example, when your a young girl, lets say between 12-15, or infact even before 12.. all the crushes you had on guys, any boyfriends you had.. basically, all the realtionships you've had in the past, where it was just likeness and you were still a virgin, no matter how many times you had a new boyfriend or how many break up's you went through, 2-3 years from then, when you look back.. you wont have any bitterness for the guy.. you wont absautly hate him and maybe you'll be able to smile when you think back at what things were like... why? Because you both had fun and then you both had bad times but.. at the end of it.. you know you didnt lose anything.. it was all fun and games and none of you's had anything to hate each other by.
But geez, if he was your 1st, as in the 1st guy you had sex with, and then you both broke up no matter what it was over.. even 10 years from then when you look back, you'll always have that feeling.. that bitterness.. the "god what did i do.. he wasnt worth it" feeling.. and, i guess most people that love and care about you, just want you to never feel that way... because maybe it can hurt. I mean, i surely havnt experianced it but i did give it a thought, and it made sense. so its not like "no sex before marriage" or anything, but... yeah, defenately gotta be someone you trust with everything you have, and you know he loves and cares about you more then anything and he'll stick around for you..
Thanks for reading,
P.S. i just want to add, that people do make such mistakes, and they dont realise it and it really isnt their fault alot of times... things happen, even though we dont want them to, and dispite of what happens to them, their friends will always love them for who they are and be there for them because.. thats what friends are for. You cant erase your mistakes, but you can learn from them..
Btavo. Nice. I like the way you can talk about the most private things so freely. its a good thing. Why do i have a feeling this is more then just a 'thought' you had. Like the P.S. Either way, Nice articel.
Feel free to say wot's on ur mind!! keep it up Tina
Thanx.. i got told bout ur articel on here n dat i shud read it.. itz 4 me ain it..heh..tankyou i guez..doesn mk me feel much betta but the P.S. sure helpz n i realiz mistkz..i luv u guys 2 juz not in a mood 2 thank n tlk n b formal.. but even still.. atleast it effectd u enuf 2 write dun go makin tha same mistakz..wudnt wan you ov all ppl 2 learn it da hard way.. tcz hun
i read this artical recently... they way u thought about this... i dont think ny body can think about it in this manner... hats off to u tina... they way u wrote it was so freee... really liked ur spirit... God Bless U....
i just came across this journal..
and i work at supre. I can fully understand your point of view and im upset that you think we are all like that, upset for you i mean, i think its horrible. im sure there are definately girls like that. But i am not one of them and am really trying to turn things around a bit.
You are a great writter, im doing journalism at uni, think i might keep reading.
And i honestly do try to be genuine and polite with my customers, they are the reason i work, cos i think THEY are intersint - possibly more than the clothes we sell.
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