Mrs. Misses!

When i was up in Sydney.. My mum missed me! lol if anyone knows me and my.. family history well, they'll find it funny too.. because i'm still not sure if its me she missed, or our fights!
Yeah, we had.. a few.. and Its amazing, because everytime i called her she just seemed so bored.. so.. out of it. Like there's nothing to do here in Adelaide anymore now that Im gone and she cant fight with anyone.
I think i felt a little simillar when she was in India, but then, there was the freedom.. so, Miss the fights more, or like the i-can-go-anywhere-anytime' more? Hmm.. tough choice! Obviously, i missed her too when she was gone but then there's the same question.. Miss mom more or.. like the freedom more..? lol god, do i really have to stress myself picking one? :p
but it really made me laugh, the fact that people miss such things about each other. Cause i hate them when theyr happening.. Id rather live in love than hatred! but when we're not in the same town and im sitting at home after a few weeks thinking.. why isnt anyone telling me off? so i can have an argument with them!(but, i didnt get to be in that situation much either.. i had my granmum heh.. trust me, she made sure i didnt miss my daily dose of fights !..) is that weird? that i did miss the fights? a little yes.. but everyones different. thats why we're all endividuals. we're all unique and different but.. that doesnt make everyone special. No way is 'everyone' special. Only few people are =)
so now that Im back, we had a few more of the.. missable fights. Not the ones that leave u a scar forever because they hurt.. but the one that piss you off to an extent where you just wanna pull your own hair out and bang the dog's head on the wall (for barking non stop) i wouldnt do that by the way!! i love dogs! But i did feel like banging a head on the wall may that even be my own! so yeah, the only difference is.. now i dont say shit back.. SOMETIMES. lol i just kinda see when its really really annoying her and i back off, because i've noticed that she's been doing the same. There are alot of things i do that she doesnt like, but she just doesnt say much anymore because i guess she knows it wont do anything but make us fight, so i try.. TRY and do the same.. i havnt made much progress yet, but maybe i will soon! Im counting on it this time.
I guess i just cant get over the fact that we missed our fights! then again i.. guess when you really really love someone.. and theyr not around anymore atall.. to have them back you wouldnt mind what price you had to pay, even if that meant.. untolerable fights.. if you know what i mean.. but we dont always realise what we have till we've taken forgranted of the person and then in the end we realise we lost everything we wanted.. and wasted all the time fighting when you could have been building something up because you both love each other just as much... and then you just.. lose them.. and you dont know if they'll ever come back..
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