Why Kill dogs?!

oh my god. whats everyones problem?? alright so i dont know the 'whole' story.. but this is what i know. i heard about it from a 3rd person.. when i was at the busstop today.
apperantly they killed 3 American Bulldogs..(so alright, American.. i know, i have a massive thing against them but.. bulldogs..dogs..oowww..) because the 3 dogs attacted their owner and chewed off his ears and stuff, he is in the hospital right now, and from now onwards, they will kill every dog that bites humans etc.. im sorry, incase people forgot, they are ANIMALS! they do bite! humans kill humans.. humans kill animals.. and if we could, we would kill aliens too! so whats the big issue if a dog tries to bite someone?! i can understand wanting to band them.. but.. kill them? and anyway, who knows the reason? how do we know the owner wasnt a bloody dick and was treating them wrong.. or wasnt feeding them.. i dont know!! i just hate the idea of.. killing dogs! little tiny miny itzy bitzy cute little... human eating animals..
P.S. and they have officially banned Pitbull Terriories breed from NSW. what the hell is it with NSW and dogs?! theyv couropted my dad too! who says "dogs shouldnt even be kept as pets.. their dangerous.." ummmm... riiigghhtttttt...
Heres a question for all of you's though!
Q: do you think animals are gay? i mean, can they be? really, think about it.. if humans can have.. feelings for the same sex, then why cant animals? (i admit. humans can go further then anything else.) but think about it, and let me know.. leave an openion. and please, this is SO not for people like 'i-think-this-so-no-one-dare-against-it'.. i just want .. openions =)
hmm..u r correct dear we dont have any rite to kill an animal and that too a dog...thats not done..if a dog bites you then if u have courage then bite him back ..thats it...lol..
and about dog being a gay.....i have to research..but i think they are not because i hv never in my life seen a dog making apass at another dog..they are straight not gay..i m sure...lol
Oh waw arnt you a dog lover. good on you. i agree, we shouldnt kill them. thats wrong. As for the Gayness... hmm, could be. that is interesting isnt it. Lol They could be, it aint impossible. iv just never head of anything like it is all.
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