Angels are like Councellors

i love this drawing (i drew it, deh) she's a sad angel.. but she looks really beautiful.. (no, not because she's not wearing anything Michael) I hate it how some people picture angels as always happy... cause theyr not. Sometimes theyr like councellors. A guy i know called Jake, said to me last month "Councellors have answers to everything. theyr life must be so much easier." Which is alsalute bulshit. They only help you through problems and most of us dont practise what we preach. I think councellors are one of the most depressed people because they have to sit there everyday and listen to everyones issues and what people go through, that must be so bloody tough. How can they be happy go lucky? They've heard some of the most painful life stories. I knew a lady who was a councellor, and she commite suicide.. anyway about angels, they help us through (even if theyr just our imaginiation... ) and they're there to look after us and they see some of the most horrible things in the world, their meant to be innocent and caring, so seeing this world of humans, i dont blame them for being sad.. and i just wanted to say they can be sad too, i dont see a reason why not. Maybe thats why it's said "knowing nothing is sometimes better then knowing atall" also, almost, a line in a song from The Used :-)
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hey dats sooo true did it evn get into ur head...wpwp ur great adel
I guess you know best bein an angel and everythin..and me js a one winged angel to you.
Sadness only comes from knowin da othr person you want 2 help isnt happy...cuz dey aint happy, u cant b happy either. A counsilorz dere 2 mk him/herlsefl happy babe in a way cuz dey'd feel a helluva lot better once dey bin able 2 save som1 else frm depression or a problem.
i figure a councilor wud b drepessed js frm listenin 2 ma life lol, so ill pass on dat stuff - i'd hv to help da councilor instead i guess. And den u can help me js bein urself and smilin ur dazzlin smile.
u really do think of so many things sweetness...i love you
yes..i agree to wat u said about angels...but i m proud of my little angel who can write so well and think so deep..i wish you could devote some quality time towards writing....and just give up CHATTING ..
i know u will realize one day...
good luck...
hey girl,
how are you? i think ur article is perfect... no one could have said it better then an angel herself. how are you babe? it's been a long time since we talked.Im coming down to adelaide soon, u better spend sometime with me, i miss hanging out with you so much. we had fun!lets not forget our "elina".. listen, write an article on that party at the beach! and i like ur drawing, she looks very depressed. love you, Elliot
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