
I sometimes feel like Im a reason.. reason in peoples life. Like Im there, so they can have a reason to be upset, and annoyed, angry, frustrated.. a reason to blame, a reason to leave.. one to dissapear.. a reason to cry and to feel bad.. a reason to balance their good with their bad.. a reason to hate life and let the reason be me ..
If thats not what happens, then people usualy look at me and think, "oh, isnt she pritty. lets take her. She'd make a nice puppet. someone to tell what to do and what to say, and she's sensative anyway, so emotinal, we'll play with her good!"
and if thats not it, then, I clearly have a mental illness.. so you can call someone and ask them to help me, and I wont deny it!
hi ,
rarely does it happen , but i am difficult to find words to convey my thoughts..
from ,what i gather from your blogs, you are just a person one wud have always a soft corner in your heart. at the same time, i am being honest, would think twice before exploring you further.
i raw nerve is visible somewhere..
i sd getting along with you isnt an exhilirating proposition but surely an interesting one..shall i tread unto ur territiory?? u decide..
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