Shotgun Models!

Last night I was lying in bed, when suddenly a thought came to my mind... well, to be honest it wasnt my thought, it was an advice i got from someone, someone with alot of experiance.. and i decided, seeing i want to be a designer, I dont want to be in hollywood.. or Bollywood.. I want to have my own label, my own deisngs and .. be someone. Then depending on everything else, I could deisgn for Spesific people.. and thats when I realised.. that if i were looking for someone to design my clothes, or a new young designer in the Industry... it would all depend on HOW they present their Stuff.. right? I mean, when you look at clothes, do the ones on Maniquens catch your eye 1st or the ones hanging on a hanger? You know the answer. So to get to where I want to be, Id need... models! People who know how to carry themselfs.. and I would have to design things and get them made, and then get .. someone to model them, like photos.. and have them in my portfolio! And... then I put alot of thoughts into it, and came up with such an awesom idea! I already have the people i want in my designs! (I wouldnt get them to do it for free though, just wouldnt feel right...) I dont want to have pro. Models or famous faces. For guys, I want Om (Do i really need an introduction for him? lol Like everyone doesnt already know who he is! He's hot. He'd be just so perfect for it! and he has style!) so thats number 1.. hopefully, he wont mind! and Number 2. Deepak! Now.. alot of you's have no idea.. he's from The Merchants of Bollywood.. Uday? yeah yeah, I can picture alot of girls going 'aaah.. i see where your going...' lol.. havnt asked him yet either but oh please, the boy loves photos. he couldnt deny it! Plus, maybe I could make him wear higher pants that way =D so I shotgun them 2 for my Male models...
and for Female.. well, This isnt because she is my bestfriend, but it's because she has a hot body too! and she's a pritty face (lol, sorry MG..) I've already got her to model for my IB project, and I think people loved it! and the other girl.. well i havnt thought of one yet, i need someone who's perfect. and no, I dont mean personality! lol but umm.. I could do with no-blonds.
But if someone can think of a girl, let me know! =-) and remember, no celebraties or Pro's!
Honestly, Im already soo excited!!!! =D
P.S. just so you know.. this is ALL copyright stuff! Dont steal my idea!
hi there,
Im Ronnie, from Melbourn. i was just looking at your blog.. oh my god.. I saw that play. the merchants of Bollywood. uday is SO HOT. is that his name? Deepak? me and my friends LOVE HIM! we got his autograph. he was so amazing. and he's damn good looking. as if you know him? no way! thats so lucky. i would love to know a guy like that. how do you know him? and i think he would be a great model.. nice blog. i still cant believe your friends!
yo its Raul whos Om? you never tol' me bout no Om. Is he the boy in white? because it so, he is dashing girl. I like him lol can I be introduced? He's so hot.. even if he isnt gay, its okay. we'cn work roun that one.
cool blog.. i think ema would be good for the nother girl.
hey grl, sup? Omg i havent spent years and years of company with you but from the time i have you resuch a dedicated designer. I wish you all the best for the future, i miss you soooo much and i wish i was there. and when you do become the worlds best fashion designer (which u will) dont forget me and if you need any help with creating your hopes and dreams to become a reality you know who to call. i will be by your side day and night till the very end/
And if anyone is interested in Modeling give tina a bzz she is the best
Love ya grl
Hey jaan..
Sure i'll do it beautiful, but i'll only b a model if wen da show is over i can walk down the catwalk with you so I can show everyone how amazing you we can see them cheer and u realise that this is what you deserved for bein who you are and doin the best u can...
Babe, you could be a part-time model to replace the last girl you need...ur hot and will easily be able to blow away everyone on the catwalk. Believe me angel.
L8r ma dark haired rock chick..
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