Lets talk about Sex

Men can REALLY get to you sometimes. Specially when it comes to having to go to far.. sometimes you just make the wrong choices, because you dont have another choice if you want to live happily! I never thought I would say this... ever... because I have always been the confident girl who doesnt dress to impress others, and I defenately think peer pressure is for weak people! I mean, If your confident enough to believe in yourself, there would be no 'peer pressure'!
But then things changed when i met a guy.. I wont say any names... he's my friends boyfriend. and the girl is so.. pressured! I mean I dint think things would ever get that bad. When you love someone, i agree "sex is a beautiful thing in a beautiful pure relation yada yada yada" but hey, how about WAITING till the poor girl is READY for it! No ones saying its a wrong thing but your meant to give someone the time... and not pressure them into having sex with you. pressure isnt always raping someone now is it. its about... getting her into the moment of time even though you know she doesnt want it just yet.
I know it sounds crazy, coz if a guy doesnt respect the fact that your just not ready, you should leave him but... sometimes its not as easy as it sounds. thats why we call it 'love' coz its crazy.. and it CHOOSES to be blind. and personally, i feel for her.. so much. Because its very unfair that she wants to be with him, and maybe he wants the same but if he doesnt realize she needs time, then he doesnt deserve it.. but if i were her, i probablly would find it hard to leave someone too.. speically if i loved them. I probablly wouldnt go as far to doing something Im not ready to do, but.. yeah id let the whole thing get to me and ruin my mood.
I think people who read this blog, should defenatly realise that a girl has the right to take her time.. so does a guy. and if your prioritys are different then just dont be together because it is compleatly unfair to be forced into having your 1st time.. because that memory lives forever.
So guys, please, think before you act!
and can i please add, if your both ready, (which is great!!!) will people just start bloody using Protection?! we know how beautiful it is to have that connection with someone but if you want to be able to have it again without getting a desiese or a damn life in ur stomach, use a damn condom.
GeeZ, wat can a girl say but... poor thing...she shuldnt do it till shez ready n if he doesnt understand that she shud dump him.
man.... what A bastard. Men like that should just be sent to America and then be Death Sentenced! I mean if he really loves her.... then how does sex matter? lol i mean, i know it matters and all but it should be O-K to wait.
Out of most guys I know, they need to GROW UP and this seems to take a LONG time (if ever, for some).
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