Lost like tears in the rain..
i saw this couple walkin down the street past me on Sunday.. it was raining heavily, I was taking a walk, waiting to be picked up by a friend when they caught my eye.. one of them was australian and the girl was chinese but neither of them spoke each others language. The guy, he was trying to explain something to her, he started speaking, 'do u rmemeber the 1st time we met when i was in the taxi and i saw u walkin down the street and was mezmarised and so i got off the taxi..and came to talk to u..??' and he did all these hand movements, trying his best to explain it and she just simply kept smilling and nodded, speaking in her own language as her reply to what he was saying.. they didnt understand each others words, they probablly didng understand each word and only got the overall idea of the conversation.. they couldnt talk and make the same silly jokes with each other as easy as we can but u know what.. they looked like they cudnt be happier..
it was so amazing.. made me realise that even tho love is so painful, we just never stop trying.. their happiness was true happiness..and those little things we take advantage of.. like being able to understand each other.. that couple made use of every little word they had and we abuse every other word we can by fighting with each other, just because we have the privilage of understanding the words we speak, all because we talk in the same language.. As for them, i bet they wish they could speak in the same language just so they could tell each other how in love they are - instead of abusing them and bitraying their trust.. Love may be overrated, but it's so beautiful.. it may not make the world go round but it sure is what makes the ride worth while..
it was really deep.. i got soaked wet watching them walk past me, happier then I would ever be, even though I've got that one thing they wish they had, the one thing they'll put their effort in just so they can communicate better, and here we, all of us - misuse it.. i felt so sad after.. wondering, how they can be so happy with each other without understanding every little word, how do they avoid fights.. and it was so simple, they were in love, and it didnt matter to them that they didnt understand every little word.. they used the small things like communicating with your eyes - those things we'd completly forgotten about while we were too busy complaining and fighting for things we didnt have, and never made the most of the things we did have..
I didnt know anymore, if I was upset about what I'd lost in my life... or if I was happy that it'd gone because it was an insult to love... I didnt know if I was feeling that pain for losing it or because I didnt leave it earlier... I wanted it, yet I knew It wasnt right... because it wasnt real love.. and watching them did something to me deep inside..
I couldnt move.. everything in my mind just drained out and I was speachless.. like I'd just realised something and it left a mark of pain inside me.. nor could I help my tears.. the rain got heavier as tears rolled down my eyes, I felt so lost.. lost like my tears in the rain..
it was so amazing.. made me realise that even tho love is so painful, we just never stop trying.. their happiness was true happiness..and those little things we take advantage of.. like being able to understand each other.. that couple made use of every little word they had and we abuse every other word we can by fighting with each other, just because we have the privilage of understanding the words we speak, all because we talk in the same language.. As for them, i bet they wish they could speak in the same language just so they could tell each other how in love they are - instead of abusing them and bitraying their trust.. Love may be overrated, but it's so beautiful.. it may not make the world go round but it sure is what makes the ride worth while..
it was really deep.. i got soaked wet watching them walk past me, happier then I would ever be, even though I've got that one thing they wish they had, the one thing they'll put their effort in just so they can communicate better, and here we, all of us - misuse it.. i felt so sad after.. wondering, how they can be so happy with each other without understanding every little word, how do they avoid fights.. and it was so simple, they were in love, and it didnt matter to them that they didnt understand every little word.. they used the small things like communicating with your eyes - those things we'd completly forgotten about while we were too busy complaining and fighting for things we didnt have, and never made the most of the things we did have..
I didnt know anymore, if I was upset about what I'd lost in my life... or if I was happy that it'd gone because it was an insult to love... I didnt know if I was feeling that pain for losing it or because I didnt leave it earlier... I wanted it, yet I knew It wasnt right... because it wasnt real love.. and watching them did something to me deep inside..
I couldnt move.. everything in my mind just drained out and I was speachless.. like I'd just realised something and it left a mark of pain inside me.. nor could I help my tears.. the rain got heavier as tears rolled down my eyes, I felt so lost.. lost like my tears in the rain..